Our Triton training courses

These courses are targeted for both beginner & intermediate, and Mariners & Non-Mariners.

Our Triton courses

Jack Up training course


1 - 3 days


12 courses per year, 1 course per month


12 courses per year, 1 course per month


Basic – 1 Day
Intermediate – 2 Days
Advanced – 3 Days

Target audience:

Beginner & Intermediate – Both Mariners and Non-Mariners who wish to understand Jack Up Operations, and the key principles related to the use of Self Elevating Platforms.

Advanced – Management and operational personnel from Rig Operators, Engineers, Offshore Consultants, and other personnel requiring information and instruction relevant to the marine operation of a Jack-Up installation.

Recommended for:

Projects, Operations, HSE & Logistics

Course aims:

To introduce participants to the theoretical and practical considerations for safely moving a Jack-Up unit from one location to another.

The purpose of this course is to give an understanding of safe rig move and jacking operations for Jack Ups in theory and practice. Practical exercises will be completed in an advanced online Jack Up simulator

Course Content:

  • Jack Up Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU)
  • Jacking System
  • Jack Up Relocation Activities
  • Preparation
  • Risk Assessment
  • Methodology
  • Typical Jack Up Rig Relocation
  • Heavy Lift Jack Up Rig Relocation
  • Mooring Equipment
  • Certification, Documentation and Competence
  • Incidents and Accidents
  • Simulated Exercises (Intermediate)
  • Simulated Exercises (Advanced)
  • Advances Subjects and Additional Training


Classroom – Projector and screen required, students to use personal laptops
Online Virtual – Access to Laptop and WIFI (1MB Minimum)

Minimum instructor qualification/experience:

Minimum Instructor Qualification/Experience Class 1 (Master Mariner) or Class 2 meeting the required standard set by the Nautical Institute, with knowledge and experience of Jack Up Mobile Offshore Drilling Units.

Semi-submersible training course


3 days


12 courses per year, 1 course per month


12 courses per year, 1 course per month


Basic – 1 Day
Intermediate – 2 Days
Advanced – 3 Days

Target audience:

Beginner & Intermediate – Both Mariners and Non-Mariners who wish to understand Semi-Submersible Operations, and the key principles related to the use of floating MODU’s.

Advanced – Management and operational personnel from Rig Operators, Engineers, Offshore Consultants, and other personnel requiring information and instruction relevant to the marine operation of a Semi-Submersible installation.

Recommended for:

Projects, Operations, HSE & Logistics

Course aims:

To introduce participants to the theoretical and practical considerations for safely moving a Semi-Submersible unit from one location to another.

Course content:

  • Semi-Submersible Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU)
  • Semi-Submersible Relocation Activities
  • Preparation
  • Risk Assessment
  • Methodology
  • Typical Semi-Submersible Rig Relocation
  • Heavy Lift Semi-Submersible Rig Relocation
  • Mooring System Fundamentals
  • Mooring Equipment
  • Certification, Documentation and Competence
  • Incidents and Accidents
  • Simulated Exercises (Intermediate)
  • Simulated Exercises (Advanced)
  • Advanced Subjects and Additional Training


Classroom – Projector and screen required, students to use personal laptops
Online Virtual – Access to Laptop and WIFI (1MB Minimum)

Minimum instructor qualification/experience:

Minimum Instructor Qualification/Experience Class 1 (Master Mariner) or Class 2 meeting the required standard set by the Nautical Institute, with knowledge and experience of Semi-Submersible Mobile Offshore Drilling Units.

Dynamic positioning training course


1 - 3 days


12 courses per year, 1 course per month


12 courses per year, 1 course per month


Basic – 1 Day
Intermediate – 2 Days
Advanced – 3 Days

Target audience:

Beginner & Intermediate – Both Mariners and Non-Mariners who wish to understand DP Operations, and the key principles related to DP Operations.

Advanced – Management and operational personnel from Operators, Engineers, Offshore Consultants and other personnel requiring information and instruction relevant to the marine operation of DP Vessels.
Recommended for: Projects, Operations, HSE & Logistics

Course aims:

Define the principles of DP, recognise the component parts of a DP system, understand the relationship between vessel movement, position reference systems, sensors, computers, propulsion units and feedback, understand the concept of redundancy, understand the DP modes of Control, describe the operation of sensors and common position reference systems, Describe the operation of computers, Describe propulsion units, types and configurations, Understand power supply, redundancy and management, Practice communication and watch handover procedures.

Course content:

  • Introduction to DP Fundamentals
  • Theory of DP Operations
  • DP Class
  • DP Manning
  • DP Checklists
  • DP Incidents
  • DP Exercises (Intermediate)
  • DP Exercises (Advanced)
  • Advanced Subjects and Additional Training


Classroom – Projector and screen required, students to use personal laptops
Online Virtual – Access to Laptop and WIFI (1MB Minimum)

Minimum instructor qualification/experience:

Minimum Instructor Qualification/Experience Class 1 (Master Mariner) or Class 2 meeting the required standard set by the Nautical Institute, with knowledge and experience of DP Operations.

FPSO training course


1 - 3 days


12 courses per year, 1 course per month


12 courses per year, 1 course per month


Basic – 1 Day
Intermediate – 2 Days
Advanced – 3 Days

Target audience:

Beginner & Intermediate – Both Mariners and Non-Mariners who wish to understand FPSO Operations, and the key principles related to the use of floating MODU’s.
Advanced – Management and operational personnel from FPSO Operators, Engineers, Offshore Consultants and other personnel requiring information and instruction relevant to the marine operation of FPSO installations.

Recommended for:

Projects, Operations, HSE, Logistics

Course aims:

To introduce delegates to the theoretical and practical considerations of the Marine Operations on an FPSO and the background and on-going development of these units.

Course content:

  • History and types of units
  • Moorings and Subsea layouts Loading and Oil Storage
  • Stability and Hull Stresses
  • Shuttle Tanker Operations and Offloading
  • Preparations for Tank Entry
  • Environmental Protection & Safety Case
  • Maintenance
  • Advanced Subjects and Additional Training


Classroom – Projector and screen required, students to use personal laptops
Online Virtual – Access to Laptop and WIFI (1MB Minimum)

Minimum instructor qualification/experience:

Minimum Instructor Qualification/Experience Class 1 (Master Mariner) or Class 2 meeting the required standard set by the Nautical Institute, with knowledge and experience of FPSO Operations

Control room operator training course


1 - 2 days


24 courses per year, 2 courses per month


Overview – 1 Day
Advanced – 2 Days

Target audience:

Beginner & Intermediate – Both Mariners and Non-Mariners who wish to understand Control Room Operations, and the key principles related to this task.

Advanced – Management and operational personnel from various Operators, Assets Owners, Engineers, Offshore Consultants and other personnel requiring information and instruction relevant to Control Room Operations.
Recommended for: Projects, Operations, HSE & Logistics

Course aims:

To raise awareness, share knowledge and assess delegates performance in controlling emergencies and critical situations, in the position of a trainee CRO or CRO.

Course content:

  • Decision Making
  • Effective Communication
  • Assertiveness Skills
  • Situational Awareness during Stressful & Time Critical Events
  • Practice scenarios


Classroom – Projector and screen required, students to use personal laptops
Online Virtual – Access to Laptop and WIFI (1MB Minimum)

Minimum instructor qualification/experience:

3 years offshore or onshore experience in production operations, and significant knowledge of the control room operator’s role and responsibilities.

Major emergency management training course


1 day


24 courses per year, 2 courses per month


Overview – 1 Day

Target audience:

Both Mariners and Non-Mariners who wish to understand complex Operations, and the key principles related to Major Emergency Management Offshore.

Management and operational personnel from Operators, Engineers, Offshore Consultants and other personnel requiring information and instruction relevant to Major Emergency Management Offshore.

The course is designed for those who are destined to assume the role of EM or a member of the Emergency Management Team (EMT) in an emergency or anyone from a high-risk industry who needs to understand more about the management of major emergencies.
Recommended for: Projects, Operations, HSE & Logistics

Course aims:

To provide a framework of which to develop self-confidence and self-control in a pressurised environment during stressful situations as encountered in an emergency management situation. Develop participants key skills including effective decision-making and provide the opportunity to participate and understanding the importance of a competent MEM team, facing a major emergency as both a Team Member and as the Emergency Manager (EM).

Course content:

  • What is Major Emergency Management
  • A Major Emergency Management Centre
  • Key Members of a Major Emergency Management Team
  • Preparation and On-going Training
  • Assessing an Emergency Situation
  • Action Vs Reaction
  • Effective Communication
  • Delegation of Authority
  • Managing Teams


Classroom – Projector and screen required, students to use personal laptops
Online Virtual – Access to Laptop and WIFI (1MB Minimum).

Minimum instructor qualification/experience:

3 years offshore or onshore experience within a Major Emergency Management Team, working in a management or supervisor capacity. 

Permit to work training course


1 day


24 courses per year, 2 courses per month


Overview – 1 Day

Target audience:

Both Mariners and Non-Mariners who wish to understand complex Operations, and the key principles related to the use of the Permit to Work system.

Management and operational personnel from Operators, Engineers, Offshore Consultants and other personnel requiring information and instruction relevant to the Permit to Work system.
Recommended for: Projects, Operations, HSE & Logistics

Course aims:

To raise awareness, share knowledge and assess delegates understanding of the Permit to Work process.

Course content:

  • Why Permit to Work Exists
  • Legal Requirements and Obligations
  • Permit to Work Process
  • Roles & Responsibilities
  • Managing Multiple Permits
  • Generic and Specific Permits
  • Permit to Work System Review


Classroom – Projector and screen required, students to use persona.

Minimum instructor qualification/experience:

3 years offshore or onshore experience working in a Permit to Work environment or directly managing a Permit to Work System.

Risk management training course


1 day


24 courses per year, 2 courses per month


Overview – 1 Day

Target audience:

Both Mariners and Non-Mariners who wish to understand complex Operations, and the key principles related to Risk Management Management and operational personnel from Operators, Engineers, Offshore Consultants, and other personnel requiring information and instruction relevant to Risk Management

Recommended for:

Projects, Operations, HSE & Logistics

Course aims:

To give all personnel an understanding of the causes of accidents in the workplace and the action that is required both in the long and short term to minimise the effects of such accidents/incidents. To enable delegates to identify actual or potential hazards in the workplace, and to assess the risk from these actual/potential hazards, in order for them to initiate an action plan to minimise the dangers from them. Ensuring that delegates understand the important points of law affecting accident prevention and explain some of the effects and consequences of legislation.

Course content:

  • Why Risk Assess
  • Legal Requirements and Obligations
  • Capturing and Recording Risks
  • Control Measure Hierarchy
  • Safe Working Practices & Procedures
  • Generic Risk Assessment
  • Risk Assessment System Review


Classroom – Projector and screen required, students to use personal laptops
Online Virtual – Access to Laptop and WIFI (1MB Minimum)

Minimum instructor qualification/experience:

3 years offshore or onshore experience in the capacity of Safety Officer or HSE Advisor working in a management or supervisory capacity. 

Management of change training course


1 day


24 courses per year, 2 courses per month


Overview – 1 Day

Target audience:

Both Mariners and Non-Mariners who wish to understand complex Operations, and the key principles related to the Management of Change process.

Management and operational personnel from Operators, Engineers, Offshore Consultants and other personnel requiring information and instruction relevant to the Management of Change process.

Recommended for:

Projects, Operations, HSE & Logistics

Course aims:

To raise awareness, share knowledge and assess delegates understanding of the Management of Change process.

Course content:

  • What is Management of Change
  • Legal Requirements and Obligations
  • Recognizing Changes Reviewing Hazards
  • Implementing a Change
  • Safety Review
  • Managing the Process
  • Risk Assessment System Review


Classroom – Projector and screen required, students to use personal laptops
Online Virtual – Access to Laptop and WIFI (1MB Minimum).

Minimum instructor qualification/experience:

Offshore or onshore experience of the Management of Change process, working in a management or supervisor capacity.

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